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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Jones

Gigaloch local build 'Did you know?'

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

As we are nearing the all important switch on. I wanted to share some facts and figures with you, specifically the Ashton Hayes, Mouldsworth and Manley build.

1: Nearly 15km of 15000m of duct has now been installed throughout the villages.

2: Permission has been given to access another 1000 acres of land to reach more of the homes in Ashton Hayes/Horton-cum-Peel, Manley and Mouldsworth.

3: Another 15 home installations this week - 50 completed since Christmas 2020, suspended due to Storm Christoph.

4: First cabinet goes live in tomorrow, with a 2nd one within the next 2 weeks.

5: Installation of the connection points inside premises has been given the go ahead to begin next week! (COVID-19 restrictions stopped this previously).

6: The first homes will be going live on the network before the end of this week in Mollington.

Mollington is fundamental to our build as this is where it all begins. Ashton Hayes, Horton-cum-Peel, Mouldsworth and Manley to follow on shortly after.

I hope you enjoy these little article, if you did please do share this with friends and family.

As always, if you live in the catchment area and believe that friends or neighbours will benefit from Gigaloch broadband, please do let them know.

EDIT - I have been asked to edit #6 as this has caused a little confusion as to the exact location of the 'go live'

Apologies for this.

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